Black Kyanite Angel Wings


Black Kyanite Angel Wings help to ground and remove negative energies from all the chakras.  It is calming, gentle, protective and will bring clarity.


Black Kyanite Angel Wings help to ground and remove negative energies from all the chakras.  It is calming, gentle, protective and will bring clarity.

Kyanite clears pathways, blockages, negative energy and pollution. It will not hold negativity and therefore never needs clearing. It is excellent for connecting with your higher self and spiritual guides.  It can be used for healing the same way that Blue Kyanite can.  It is a very grounding crystal that  will enhance any grounding practice and thus useful when grounding subtle energies. It is also very useful as protection with any EMF energies from computers, laptops, routers or microwaves.

Price per individual Angel Wing

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