Amethyst Crystal

The second in our series of crystals is not just one of my favourites but my real favourite, the beautiful Amethyst. It has been my favourite since I first became interested in crystals many years ago.

The colour of Amethyst crystals range from the deepest purple down to a pale lilac, depending on where it comes from and how deep the crystal was formed. Amethyst can be found in Brazil, Bolivia, USA, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Uruguay, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The colour is only an indication of the level of heat that the particular stone endured while in the ground. Although many pieces of these crystals are purple, all colours of this crystal carry a strong healing vibration.

There is also Green Amethyst that is sometimes better known as Prasiolite and is excellent for working with the heart chakra for self-esteem, self-love, self-confidence. Many of the darker yellow Citrine Crystals were made from Amethyst crystals through a process of heating them, and they too carry a strong healing vibration.

The name Amethyst comes from the Greek word ‘amethustos’, meaning ‘sober’.  One of the interesting facts about Amethyst crystals is that the ancient Greeks made cups from the purple stone, as they believed it could prevent you from becoming inebriated. Many Healers use it today to assist in beating addictions, and this was also believed by the ancient Greeks.

The history of this beautiful purple crystal goes right back to ancient times and was a revered stone because of its properties. Egyptians made beads and amulets with Amethyst as they believed that its vibrations had strong healing powers and was also protection against evil forces.

This energy is recognized even today, as the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church wears a ring with this stone in it. Amethysts emits a strong field of vibrational healing energy they are wonderful when used in healing whether for Crystal Healing or self-healing. When I am giving a Reiki treatment I use Amethyst crystals amongst others during the treatment session.

Wearing Amethyst jewellery is another great way to use an Amethyst as they have a very strong psychic protection vibration and is especially good if you work clairvoyantly or you suffer from headaches. They also look beautiful when worn as jewellery.

Amethyst is the birthstone of Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aquarius but in many books is only credited to Pisces and the month of February.

Some ideas of how to use Amethyst in your daily life and personal wellbeing are below:

Having a piece in the bedroom will promote restful sleep and peaceful dreaming. It may also benefit you by having this stone close by, as it is also a highly protective crystal. If sleep is a real problem a small tumblestone under your pillow often works to maintain a better sleep pattern

It can quieten the mind, allowing you to more easily connect with spirit if you wish to do that, or in meditation it will help you to relax down and gain more benefit from the meditation.

Amethyst can help to relieve stress, depression and anxiety allowing you to let go of what you are holding on to and promote a feeling of harmony, lifting spirits and releasing anger and fear.

Placing a geode anywhere in your environment, is a powerful way to bring through a wonderful healing vibration. Amethyst is a quartz crystal and as all quartz crystals is a strong amplifier of energy.  When it comes to their healing energy the properties of all varieties of quartz crystal are very impressive. You can also cleanse small crystals and tumblestones, including pieces of jewellery by placing them on a cluster or geode of Amethyst as the vibrations will remove any negativity they may be holding.

These powerful stones vibrate within the third eye chakra, as well as the crown chakra.

I hope that I have lighted a spark of interest in you with these wonderful stones and that you will enjoy future information on other crystals, their meanings and how they can benefit you

Love and Blessings Carole

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